Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture


The AAA sector is of key importance for Scotland and indeed Scotland is already a major contributor in the animal science sector globally.

The optimisation of animal health, promotion of sustainable food security and stimulation of economic growth, both locally and internationally, make a major contribution towards the ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions from UK agriculture by 2040, underlying the urgent need to work collaboratively to address the challenges of climate change.

Sheep image for Animal Health - A3 Scotland 2020 conference
Animal health
Interventions that improve the health of livestock and companion animals. 
Drone image for Agritech - A3 Scotland 2020 conference
Development of novel technology for agriculture ensuring improved productivity and sustainability.
Fish worker with salmon for Aquaculture - A3 Scotland 2020 conference
Breeding and rearing of fish, shellfish, plants, algae and other organisms in water environments.

A3 Scotland 2024 was hosted by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) in September 2024, following the success of the inaugural A3 Scotland conference in Edinburgh in 2022.

A3 Scotland 2024 Conference Edinburgh logo - Animal Health Agriculture Aquaculture

A3 Scotland 2024 attracted attendees from all over the world, from the Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture (AAA) sectors, and included plenaries, breakouts, investor panels and start-up pitching.

Emerging new talent and the biggest names across the AAA sector converged under one roof to network. Sessions were hosted on funding, international showcase, skills and emerging solutions in AI, robotics, and sensors.

The inaugural not-for-profit conference for the Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture (AAA) sectors, took place in April 2022, and was met with great success.

The theme was 'Transition to Net Zero'. Industry, investors, scientists and government officials from all over the world gathered in Edinburgh, Scotland's dynamic and stunning capital city, seeking strategic partnerships and to discover the latest in R&D.

Watch our promotional video that set the scene for A3 Scotland 2022. This introduces key elements of the programme content, a glimpse at the expertise and showcases the destination and a selection of the state-of-the-art science and research facilities that are available in Scotland - leading the way in Triple A and in the transition to net zero.

With thanks to our sponsors, stakeholders and speakers for the assistance with the making of this film.

Innovation, Investment and Collaboration were the main drivers of A3 Scotland 2022 in the transition to net zero carbon emissions. The conference included sessions on each of these themes, across each of the the three sub sectors, and presented by leading industry speakers. 

There were also many opportunities for networking, a grand Gala Dinner and optional pre and post conference tours of world-renowned science and research facilities in Midlothian, to the south of Edinburgh, and the west coast of Scotland.

A3 Scotland 2022 YouTube videos

"Scotland is a world leader in so many fields of life science, with AAA representing the important three sub sectors of Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture continuing at pace to lead the way."

Ivan McKee, Scottish Government Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise