Chickens that are genetically modified to produce human proteins in their eggs can offer a cost-effective method of producing certain types of drugs, research suggests.
Researchers have created a new high quality water buffalo genome assembly, which surpasses that of the human and goat assemblies in contiguity.
Chickens that are genetically modified to produce human proteins in their eggs can offer a cost-effective method of producing drugs.
Roslin Innovation Centre steadily increased its intake of tenant companies throughout 2018, finishing the year with a total of 17 including award-winning early stage entrepreneur, Kate Cameron.
Advanced technologies that read long strings of DNA can produce flawed data that could affect genetic studies, experts warn.
A greedy type of fly could provide Scotland’s fish farms with a surprising new source of protein, according to a report from Zero Waste Scotland.
Managing Director of Ingenza, Ian Fotheringham, recognised with one of SCI Scotland’s most prestigious honours – the Charles Tennant Memorial Lecture award – acknowledging his expertise and knowledge in chemical research.
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and The Roslin Institute, backed by the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), are leading ambitious projects to improve gill health and resilience among farmed Atlantic salmon.
Richard Leonard MSP and Rhoda Grant MSP visited The Roslin Institute and Roslin Innovation Centre earlier this week to learn about the research conducted on Campus.
The Easter Bush Campus has been awarded the Gold Office Award from the University of Edinburgh’s Department of Social Responsibility and Sustainability.