Agri-food biotechnology start-up, Beta Bugs, launches a new insect breeding facility on Easter Bush Campus and creates five new jobs.
Roslin Innovation Centre tenant companies have risen to the many challenges of 2020. Read our summary of some of the highlights over the last 12 months.
New SEBI-Livestock five-year programme is launched to continue their work on monitoring the impacts of livestock investments in low-and middle-income countries, supporting the LD4D community to deliver solutions, and developing valuable data and evidence resource for the sector.
The Scottish Life Sciences Covid-19 Strategic Response Plan is launched and themes will be the focus of debate at the virtual Life Sciences Conference on December 3rd.
Roslin Technologies, based within Roslin Innovation Centre, is a joint venture between the University of Edinburgh and two investment and business development partners.
Research aiming to control deadly poultry viruses will develop tools that simulate their spread and evolution.
Breeding animals for disease resilience would be three times more profitable than breeding based on production traits, study finds.
Open call offering companies and individuals the chance to be part of Edinburgh Science in 2021. The Festival will run from Saturday 26 June – Sunday 11 July.
Projects using cutting edge biotechnology to produce high-value chemicals have received funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) with two awarded to the University of Edinburgh, in collaboration with Roslin Innovation Centre based Ingenza Ltd and Green Bioactives.
Clean Water Wave is a new tenant company at Roslin Innovation Centre. Dr Stephanie Terreni-Brown discusses what they offer and their unique CAFE system.