Roslin Technologies, a leading cell provider to the cultivated meat industry, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Deepika Rajesh to the role of Chief Scientific Officer.
Macomics Ltd, a leader in macrophage drug discovery, continues its growth trajectory with expansion into dedicated facilities within Roslin Innovation Centre. The company has also announced the appointment of Professor Paul Crocker, FRSE, Emeritus Professor of Glycoimmunology, University of Dundee, to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).
Dr Kate Cameron, CEO and founder of Cytochroma, is one of ten new Scottish ‘export champions’, selected by the Department for Business and Trade, in partnership with Scottish Development International and recognised for having a track record of trading internationally and a desire to share their expertise with others.
Scotland’s Life Sciences Annual Awards will open on 25th September for nomination in eight categories,with several Innovation categories including 'Animal Health, Agritech and Aquaculture', and a new Sustainability Award that will recognise commitment to inspiring new ideas and positive change.
Roslin Innovation Centre is saddened to hear of the death of Professor Sir Ian Wilmut, who has passed away at the age of 79. The world-renowned embryologist and regenerative medicine expert, led the project to create Dolly the Sheep in 1996 – the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell – and his work continues to inform and inspire science at Roslin and beyond.
A researcher at The University of Edinburgh Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems joins team advising global initiative on economic challenges linked to antimicrobial resistance.
Cytomos, a life science start-up based at Roslin Innovation Centre, has developed a proprietary new approach to analysing cells and secured £4 million to scale up market testing of its technology platform Cytomos Dielectric Spectroscopy (CDS).
Rhizocore Technologies, a Roslin Innovation Centre-based start-up company which produces special fungi to ensure trees survive and thrive, is poised to transform the future of reforestation after attracting new funding of £3.5 million.
A consortium led by sustainable aquaculture innovators Aquanzo Ltd has received Innovate UK funding to investigate the feasibility of farming artemia, a small marine shrimp similar to krill, as an alternative circular produced marine protein for young chickens, known as broilers.
Edinburgh-based food tech company, Roslin Technologies, is delighted to welcome Philippine-based Kickstart Ventures, through the Ayala Corporation Technology Innovation Venture (ACTIVE) Fund, as an investor in the Company to support its mission to become the leading provider of animal cell lines to the global cultivated meat industry.